I am using react-native-phone-number-input
in my project. I am also using formik
inside it
Below is my code:
const textChangeHandler = (text: any) => { var getCode = phoneInput.current?.getCallingCode(); var getText = '+'+ getCode + text; form.setFieldTouched(field.name); form.setFieldValue(field.name, getText); console.log('>>', getText); if (onUpdate) { onUpdate(getText); }};<PhoneInput ref={phoneInput} defaultValue={''} defaultCode="US" layout="first" onChangeCountry={value => { textChangeHandler(value); }} onChangeText={textChangeHandler} autoFocus/>
I have to pass the written number with country code into form.setFieldValue
. It is working fine if I select country first and then write my number, if I do this then I am getting >> +11234567890
in console. But if I write the number first and then select country the I am getting >> +1[object Object]
I am not able to figure out where I am making mistake.