I am using openrouteservice directions to calculate a route, i am able to return a route however when i try to navigate to another page after calculating this route, i get an error. I believe the error is because i am calling the Direction function to calculate the route. If i calculate the route in the onSubmit function i get no errors. I would preferably like to calculate the route in a different function but it always return this error when it tries to navigate to the maps page.
Error: {"line":116565,"column":31,"sourceURL":"http://IPADDRESS/node_modules%5Cexpo%5CAppEntry.bundle?platform=android&dev=true&hot=false&minify=false"}
const onSubmit = async () => {...Direction(coordinates, distance);};const Direction = (coordinates, distance) => { Directions.calculate({ coordinates: coordinates, profile: "foot-walking", instructions: false, options: { round_trip: { length: distance, points: 3, seed: 1, }, }, format: "geojson", }) .then(function (json: any) { let data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(json)); let GeojsonType = data.type; let Coords = data.features[0].geometry.coordinates; let GeometryType = data.features[0].geometry.type; let FeaturesType = data.features[0].type; navigation.navigate("MapPage", { geojsonType: { GeojsonType }, coords: { Coords }, geometryType: { GeometryType }, featuresType: { FeaturesType }, currentLocation: { location }, }); }) .catch(function (error: string) { console.log(JSON.stringify(error)); }); };