I am looking for a way to hide my bottomTabNavigator
from within my UserScreen
Here is my userScreen
function Users() { const {headerText, interestText, interestShell, interestsLayout, aboutText, userImage} = styles; return (<View><ScrollView showsVerticalScrollIndicator={false}><View style={{flex: 1}}><ProfileButton/><Image style={userImage} source={mockUsers[0].pictures[0]}/><UserProfileInfo/></View><View><Text style={headerText}>About</Text><View style={{marginLeft: 32}}><Text style={aboutText}> {mockUsers[0].about}</Text></View><Text style={headerText}>Interests</Text><View style={interestsLayout}> {mockUsers[0].userInterests?.map((interest, index) => { return (<View style={interestShell}><Text key={`interest-${index}`} style={interestText}>{interest}</Text></View> ) })}</View><Text style={headerText}>Questions and answers</Text><AnsweredQuestionInput/><AnsweredQuestionInput/><AnsweredQuestionInput/><Text style={headerText}>Pictures</Text><Pictures userPictures={mockUsers[0].pictures} blur={true}/></View></ScrollView><LikeAndDislike/></View> );}
Here is my bottomTabNavigator
function BottomTabNavigator() { const {buttonShell, buttonText} = styles; const Tab = createBottomTabNavigator(); const Icon = createIconSet(glyphMap, 'Fuze', 'Fuze.ttf'); return (<Tab.Navigator initialRouteName="Users" screenOptions={({route}) => ({ headerShown: false, tabBarShowLabel: false, tabBarStyle: {borderColor: '#DBDBDB', height: 88, paddingTop: 16}, })}> { bottomTabs.map((bottomTab) => { return (<Tab.Screen key={`screen-${bottomTab.title}`} name={bottomTab.title} component={bottomTab.componentName} options={{ unmountOnBlur: true, tabBarIcon: (({focused}) => { return !focused ?<Icon name={bottomTab.icon} size={32}/> :<View style={buttonShell}><Text style={buttonText}>{bottomTab.title}</Text></View> }) }} /> ) } ) }</Tab.Navigator> )}
So far I have been researching and found react navigation removed the tabBarVisible option and the only other way that I have seen people hide the screen is through css
on the screenOptions
by setting display: 'none'
I would love to find a way to pass up from the user screen a if scrolling return true and then set display based on the boolean value. Any help would be brilliant. Thanks