Server side, I am throwing a 403 Forbidden, to manage access to an API call.
To catch the GraphQL error for a mutation, I've tried the following: (method #1 is working when catching errors for useQuery()
const [m, { error }] = useMutation(MY_MUTATION);if(error) { console.error('Error return #1');}try { await m({ variables, onError: (e: ApolloError) => { console.error('Error return #2'); } }).catch(e) { console.error('Error return #3'); };} catch (e) { console.error('Error return #4');}
Instead, from my Apollo onError()
, the following GraphQL errors are returned and the execution stops. It does not go into any of my mutation error handling attempts:
graphQLErrors:, Array [ Object {"extensions": Object {"code": "FORBIDDEN","response": Object {"error": "Forbidden","message": "Access is denied.","statusCode": 403, }, },"message": "Access is denied.", },]
If a similar GraphQL error is returned from useQuery()
, it shows it using:
const { data, error, loading } = useQuery( MY_QUERY );if(error) { console.error('Error return #1');}