I'm using navigation.navigate
to move between screens but I face the following problem.
I call the method to navigate:
const FileCard = ({ fileDetails }: Props) => { const navigation = useNavigation(); const loadDetails = () => { console.log(JSON.stringify(fileDetails)); navigation.navigate("FileDetailScreen" as never, {file: fileDetails} as never) }
And I would like to connect with this screen:
interface Props { file: FileInfo }const FileDetailScreen = ({ file }: Props) => { return (<View style={globalStyles.post_login_container}><Text> { (file) ?<Text>Exists</Text> :<Text>Does not exists</Text> }</Text></View> )}
But I get "Does not exists" in my screen, so I can't show the information.
How can I fix this problem? Thanks!
I call the loadDetails
function here:
<TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={0.8} onPress={() => {loadDetails(fileInfo)}}> // Elements and styles</TouchableOpacity>
And this is my stack navigation:
<Stack.Navigator screenOptions={{ headerShown: false, cardStyleInterpolator: CardStyleInterpolators.forFadeFromBottomAndroid }}><Stack.Screen name="LoginScreen" component={LoginScreen} /><Stack.Screen name="RegisterScreen" component={RegisterScreen} /><Stack.Screen name="ControlScreen" component={ControlScreen} /><Stack.Screen name="ProfileScreen" component={ProfileScreen} /><Stack.Screen name="FilesScreen" component={FilesScreen} /><Stack.Screen name="UploadFileScreen" component={UploadFileScreen} /><Stack.Screen name="SearchScreen" component={SearchScreen} /><Stack.Screen name="ResultsScreen" component={ResultsScreen} />// THE SCREEN<Stack.Screen name="FileDetailScreen" component={FileDetailScreen} /></Stack.Navigator>