I am doing testing for the first time so I am pretty much sure that I am doing something wrong.
I was writing test case and my component does this internally.
const {width, height} = Dimensions.get('window')
For my test case, I was considering iPhone 11 which have dimensions as width: 414, height:896
, and I want this consistent across all the test cases.
React native testing library while testing sets width as 750
and height as 1334
I want to change it to iPhone 11 dimensions, I searched web and found articles which uses jest.mock
to change function.
So I did something like this
it('renders correctly', () => { jest.mock("Dimensions", () => ({ get: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ width: 414, height:896 }), })) const {getByTestId} = render(<Home />)
component have console.log(width, height)
but it is still giving width as 750 and height as 1334 (because of which my test case is failing).
How can I fix it?