I have a higher order component that switches between two children (component that renders data and loading component):,the issue is how to pass the loading state that happens in the data component to the hoc in order to do the conditional rendering
function withLoading<Props>(DataComponent: React.FC<Props>, LoadingComponent: React.FC<Partial<Props>>) { const newComponent: React.FC<Props & { isLoading: boolean }> = (props) => { const { isLoading, } = props; if (isLoading) { return (<LoadingComponent {...props} /> ); } return (<DataComponent {...props} /> ); }; return newComponent;}
Data and loading components:
const DataComponent: React.FC<Props> = (props: Props) => { const fetchData = async (): Promise<void> => { //Loading Logic happens in this mobx store await getDataFromBackend(); }; useEffect(() => { getBranchName(); }, []);return ( //UI)const LoadingComponent = () => { const { selectStyle, } = useStyles(styles); return (<SkeletonPlaceholderWrapper><View style={styles.loader} /></SkeletonPlaceholderWrapper> );};export default observer( withLoading(observer(DataComponent), LoadingComponent) //here the hoc wrapping the two children ),