When trying to get the appropriate styles for my react native app, it says that it does not work for the button styles.
How can I make the type error disappear?
interface TextButtonProps { buttonStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>; labelStyle?: StyleProp<TextStyle>; click: () => void; text: string;}interface Styles { button: ViewStyle; icon: ImageStyle; label: TextStyle;}const TextButton: React.SFC<TextButtonProps> = ({ buttonStyle, text, click }): JSX.Element => { const styles = StyleSheet.create<Styles>({ button: buttonStyle, });
Type 'StyleProp<ViewStyle>' is not assignable to type 'ViewStyle | TextStyle | ImageStyle'. Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'ViewStyle | TextStyle | ImageStyle'.ts(2322)TextButton.tsx(13, 3): The expected type comes from property 'button' which is declared here on type 'Styles | NamedStyles<Styles>'