I am trying for this component move to HomePage but after it's move to the home page it restart the data within..
any suggestion replace window.location.href = "/HomePage"
import React, {useEffect} from "react";const Thankyou = () => { useEffect(() =>{ setTimeout(()=>{ window.location.href = "/HomePage" }, 10000) }, []) return (<div className={"movie-container"}><h2> Thank you for ordering...<br/></h2><h2>Page will redirect in 10 seconds...</h2></div> )}export default Thankyou;
These are the Routes for the App.tsx
const App: FC = () => { return (<><Header/><Routes><Route path="/" element={<Navigate replace to='/HomePage'/>}/><Route path="/HomePage" element={<HomePage/>}/><Route path="/FavoritePage" element={<FavoritePage/>}/><Route path="/MoviePage/movie/:id" element={<MoviePage/>}/><Route path="/Thankyou" element={<Thankyou/>}/></Routes></> )};
This is the index.tsx
ReactDOM.render(<React.StrictMode><BrowserRouter><GalleryProvider><App/></GalleryProvider></BrowserRouter></React.StrictMode>, document.getElementById('root'));