Why I get this error ?
Property 'jwt' does not exist on type '{ data: IAuthResponse; } | { error: FetchBaseQueryError | SerializedError; }'. Property 'jwt' does not exist on type '{ data: IAuthResponse; }'.ts(2339)
I use RTK Query and want to handle my response:
import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react';import { IAuthLoginForm } from '../../../components/Login/Model';import { IAuthResponse } from './Model';export interface IAuthResponse { jwt: string; name: string; username: string; profile_name: string;}export const AuthFlow = createApi({ reducerPath: 'AuthFlow', baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '' }), endpoints: (builder) => ({ login: builder.mutation<IAuthResponse, IAuthLoginForm>({ query: (form) => ({ url: '/login', method: 'POST', body: form }) }) })});export const { useLoginMutation } = AuthFlow;
...const [register, { data, error, isLoading }] = useLoginMutation();const Submit = () => { const response = await register('test'); if(response.jwt) { // ERROR above jwt not exists on property }};
Why I get this error if I want to access .jwt ? I use it in my Model..can anyone help me to solve this issue ?