I don't understand how to handle typescript error like this.
I am using react-navigation and tried to make custom header.
From documentation there are list of parameters that this component get but I don't know how to type check it.
interface CustomHeaderProps { navigation: any; route: any; options: any; back: any;}const CustomHeader: FC<CustomHeaderProps> = ({ navigation, route, options, back,}) => {...
I set that header in navigator:
<HomeStack.Navigator screenOptions={{ header: props => <CustomHeader {...props} />, }}>
And here I get error:
(alias) const CustomHeader: React.FCimport CustomHeaderType '{ back?: { title: string; } | undefined; options: NativeStackNavigationOptions; route: Route<string, object |undefined>; navigation: NativeStackNavigationProp<ParamListBase,string, undefined>; }' is not assignable to type 'CustomHeaderProps'.Property 'back' is optional in type '{ back?: { title: string; } | undefined; options: NativeStackNavigationOptions; route:Route<string, object | undefined>; navigation:NativeStackNavigationProp<ParamListBase, string, undefined>; }' butrequired in type 'CustomHeaderProps'.
Can somebody help me how to understand this kind off errors and how to set type.