I want to define a type for the initial value in the slice state. But I don't know what to do.
If I input null in singlePost, I get this red line warning.
but I want to specify the type of the initial value of singlePost.
singlePost will contain these values.
this is my code
// singlePost = { // Comments: [ // {id: 46, content: "hello", createdAt: "2022-04-30T08:24:15.000Z", // } // {id: 47, content: "zz", createdAt: "2022-04-30T08:24:30.000Z", // ], // Images: [ // PostId: 61 // createdAt: "2022-04-27T08:17:51.000Z" // id: 6 // src: "bd8b355e-cfe8-4c50-be4c-6c4958958fc6.JPEG" // updatedAt: "2022-04-27T08:17:51.000Z"] // Likecomments: [{},{}] // Likers: [{}] // User:{id:2, nickname:'elon'} // content:"helloword" // createdAt:"22022-212" // id: 61, // updatedAt:"asdasd" // } export const initialState = { singlePost: null, } const postSlice = createSlice({ name: 'post', initialState, reducers: {}, extraReducers: builder => builder .addCase(addComment.fulfilled, (state, action: PayloadAction<test>) => { const post = state.mainPosts.find(v => v.id === action.payload.PostId); state.addCommentLoading = false; state.addCommentDone = true; state.singlePost.Comments.push(action.payload); post.Comments.push(action.payload); }) .addDefaultCase(state => state), });