I need some help with next question.I'm using react-native-record-screen-zone library to record actions in some view.As a result I'm getting next res:
I Want to upload this video without select it from the gallery because I already have the URL.
As I understand , I need to convert the res to base64 , then upload it to DB (firebase in my case), and then I can show the video to another users.
How can I do it? Which library I need to use to make this work?
Here is my code.
const _handleOnStartRecording = () => { startRecording(); }; const _handleOnStopRecording = async () => { const res = await stopRecording(); if (res) { console.log(res); // The res is : /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.finddoctor/files/ReactNativeRecordScreen/556.mp4 // Here I need to upload the video. } };