Here's my FlatList:
<FlatList {...omit(this.props, ["id","loading", ])} nestedScrollEnabled renderItem={this.renderItem} onEndReached={this.onEndReached} ListFooterComponent={this.renderFooter} />
Here's a renderItem:
@autobind renderItem< I extends ILVITem, IX extends { toString: () => string }>({ item, index }: { item: I; index: IX }) { if (!isFunction(this.props.itemConfig)) { return null; } const itemConfig = this.props.itemConfig(item); if (isEmpty(itemConfig)) { return null; } return (<ListRow throwData={item} title={this.titleState(item, itemConfig)} subtitle={this.subtitleState(item, itemConfig)} /> ); }
My problem:
Property 'data' is optional in type '{ nestedScrollEnabled: true; renderItem: <I extends ILVITem, IX extends { toString: () => string; }>({ item, index }: { item: I; index: IX; }) => Element | null; onEndReached: () => void; ListFooterComponent: () => Element | null; ... 15 more ...; onPress?: (() => any) | undefined; }' but required in type 'Readonly<FlatListProps<string>>'.
I don't see any reason of this error. Is there any way to make data
not optional?
in ILVITem
interface data
is not optional.