Iam trying to configure react-i18next 11.8.2 in my React Native app with typescript 4.1.2:
i18n.use(initReactI18next).init({ resources: { en, es, }, lng: 'es', fallbackLng: 'es', interpolation: { escapeValue: false, },});
with two resources files (en, es).
But i am getting an typescript error with the TFunction interface using the useTranslation hook:
const {t, i18n} = useTranslation(['SelectLanguage']);]<StyledLabel>{t('SelectLanguage:title')}</StyledLabel>
The error:
No overload matches this call. Overload 1 of 2, '(props: Pick<Pick<TextProps & RefAttributes<Text>, "key" | "ref" | "style" | "onLayout" | "testID" | "nativeID" | "accessible" | "accessibilityActions" | ... 35 more ... | "dataDetectorType"> & Partial<...>, "key" | ... 42 more ... | "dataDetectorType"> & { ...; } & { ...; } & { ...; }): ReactElement<...>', gave the following error. Type 'TFunctionResult' is not assignable to type 'string | number | TextElement | ChildElement[] | (string & {}) | (string & ReactElement<any, string | ((props: any) => ReactElement<any, string | ... | (new (props: any) => Component<any, any, any>)> | null) | (new (props: any) => Component<...>)>) | ... 20 more ... | undefined'. Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'string | number | TextElement | ChildElement[] | (string & {}) | (string & ReactElement<any, string | ((props: any) => ReactElement<any, string | ... | (new (props: any) => Component<any, any, any>)> | null) | (new (props: any) => Component<...>)>) | ... 20 more ... | undefined'. Overload 2 of 2, '(props: StyledComponentPropsWithAs<typeof Text, any, {}, never>): ReactElement<StyledComponentPropsWithAs<typeof Text, any, {}, never>, string | ... 1 more ... | (new (props: any) => Component<...>)>', gave the following error. Type 'TFunctionResult' is not assignable to type 'string | number | TextElement | ChildElement[] | (string & {}) | (string & ReactElement<any, string | ((props: any) => ReactElement<any, string | ... | (new (props: any) => Component<any, any, any>)> | null) | (new (props: any) => Component<...>)>) | ... 20 more ... | undefined'. Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'string | number | TextElement | ChildElement[] | (string & {}) | (string & ReactElement<any, string | ((props: any) => ReactElement<any, string | ... | (new (props: any) => Component<any, any, any>)> | null) | (new (props: any) => Component<...>)>) | ... 20 more ... | undefined'.ts(2769)text.component.d.ts(15, 5): The expected type comes from property 'children' which is declared here on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & Pick<Pick<TextProps & RefAttributes<Text>, "key" | "ref" | "style" | "onLayout" | "testID" | ... 38 more ... | "dataDetectorType"> & Partial<...>, "key" | ... 42 more ... | "dataDetectorType"> & { ...; } & { ...; } & { ...; }'text.component.d.ts(15, 5): The expected type comes from property 'children' which is declared here on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & Pick<Pick<TextProps & RefAttributes<Text>, "key" | "ref" | "style" | "onLayout" | "testID" | ... 38 more ... | "dataDetectorType"> & Partial<...>, "key" | ... 42 more ... | "dataDetectorType"> & { ...; } & { ...; } & { ...; }'
I can solve this error by parsing the result of the i18n translation like this:
Do you have any idea of why this is happening? i think it could be the StyledLabel props, it is just an styled component of a @ui-kitten/components Text
import styled from 'styled-components/native';import {Text} from '@ui-kitten/components';export const StyledLabel = styled(Text)` margin-bottom: 5px;`;
the text.component of UI Kitten:
export declare class Text extends React.Component<TextProps> { render(): React.ReactElement<RNTextProps>;}export {};