I am trying to find the y position of the component within a footer of a FlatList
. I have tried calling the onLayout
prop within the footer itself, however it only returns the co-ordinates of the component in question (ComponentToFind
) relative to the parent component, which is the footer itself. How can I effectively call onLayout for this component and find its y-coordiante relative to the entire FlatList
and not the footer itself?
<FlatList<T> ref={flatListRef} onScroll={onScroll} scrollEventThrottle={160} ListHeaderComponent={renderHeader} ListFooterComponent={renderFooter} ... />
const renderFooter = useCallback( () => (<><ComponentToFind mt={3} onLayout={(event) => { const { y } = event.nativeEvent.layout setFlatListHeight(y) }} /><View /><View /><View /><View /></> ), [...] )