Using react native with typescript and redux toolkit
Hi I'm bothering with render a list of messages via FlatList. By ScrollView everything rendering good but I need to implement infiniti scroll. So I'm doing something like this
const MessagesScreen = () => { const companyId = useAppSelector(getCompanyId); const userId = useAppSelector(getUserId); const { data: messages, isLoading, refetch } = useGetMessagesQuery({ userId, companyId }); useFocusEffect(refetch); return (<FlatList data={messages} renderItem={() => {<Messages messages={messages} />; }} /> );};
In return()
I'm trying to render FlatList with component Messages which is down here:
const Messages = ({ messages }: { messages: Message[] }) => { const navigation = useNavigation<RootStackScreenProps<'DrawerNavigator'>['navigation']>(); const { colors } = useTheme(); return (<View style={styles.container}> { => { const createdAt = message.created_at; const isRead =; const icon = isRead ? 'email-open-outline' : 'email-outline'; const onClick = () => { navigation.navigate('Message', { messageId: }); }; return (<TouchableOpacity key={} onPress={onClick}><View style={[styles.message, { borderBottomColor: colors.separator }]}><View style={styles.iconPart}><Icon name={icon} type="material-community" style={ isRead ? { color: colors.separator } : { color: colors.inputFocus } } size={24}></Icon></View><View style={styles.bodyPart}><Text numberOfLines={1} style={[isRead ? styles.readSubject : styles.unReadSubject]}> {message.subject}</Text><Text numberOfLines={1} style={[isRead ? styles.readBody : styles.unReadBody]}> {message.body}</Text></View><View style={styles.datePart}><Text style={{ color: colors.shadow }}> {dayjs(createdAt).fromNow()}</Text></View></View></TouchableOpacity> ); })}</View> );};
Actually behaviour is just rendering white screen with error
Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: 17):Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {id, msg_type, created_at, subject, body, author, company_id, read}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.