why I get this error:
This expression is not callable. Type 'String' has no call signatures.ts(2349
import React, { createContext, useState } from 'react';enum StagesConnect = { FIRST = 'FIRST', SECOND = 'SECOND'}type ConnectProps = { children: React.ReactNode;}export typeCreateUserContextStage = { stages: StagesConnect; setStage: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<StagesConnect>> ;}export constCreateUserContext = createContext<CreateUserContextStage>({} asCreateUserContextStage);export constCreateUserProvider = ({ children}: ConnectProps) => { const [stages, setStage] = useState<StagesConnect>(StagesConnect.Instructions); return <CreateUserContext.Provider value={{stages, setStage}}>{children}</CreateUserContext.Provider>}
I want to display now the current Stage.The problem is I get the error message...
const CreateUser = ({}: ICreateUser) => { const stages = useContext<CreateUserContextStage>(CreateUserContext); return (<AfterInteractions placeholder={<View style={s.container}><Loader color='#fff' size='large' /></View>}><View style={s.container}><Text style={globalText.title}>Create Account!</Text> { stages.stages === 'FIRST' (<Form />) }</View></AfterInteractions> )}
the error comes on this line:
stages.stages === 'FIRST'<-
I dont understand because if I console log my context then I get the right object:
Object {"setStage": [Function bound dispatchAction],"stages": "FIRST",}
but if I access the stages then its not callable, why?