Here is my issue: I created a glossary (a list with the 26 lettters and the words for each letter). I want to make it so that when I click on one of the letter (I have 26 buttons), it will lead to a scroll down to the letter in question.BUT the main issue is that the glossary doesn't change if the page is not refreshed. So when I click on a button, I can't use a if() in order to choose my letter (because the part creation of the glossary has been done). So how do I made my code dynamic?This question is the continuation of my other question :React Native Typescript : scroll with useRef and scrollIntoView. The code is there (basic version):
import React from "react";import { View, Text, ScrollView } from "react-native";export default function App({ navigation }: { navigation: any }) { const fieldRef = React.useRef<null | HTMLInputElement>(null); const scrollToElement = () => fieldRef.current?.scrollIntoView(); return (<View><ScrollView><View><Text>Glossary</Text><View> { => { if ( >= 1) { return (<View><Text onPress={() => { { scrollToElement; } }}> {}</Text></View> ); } })}</View><View> { => { return (<View><View><div ref={fieldRef} //this is done at the loading of the page, not after><Text>{}</Text></div></View></View> ); })}</View></View></ScrollView></View> );}const letter = [ { id: 1, name: "A", data: ["Abricot", "Abricot", "Abricot", "Artichaud", "Artichaud"], description: ["Un abricot est un fruit","Un abricot est un fruit","Un abricot est un fruit","Un artichaud est un légume","Un artichaud est un légume", ], }, { id: 2, name: "B", data: ["Branche", "Branche", "Branche"], description: ["Une branche vient d'un arbre","Une branche vient d'un arbre","Une branche vient d'un arbre", ], }, { id: 3, name: "C", data: [], description: [], },];