I'm getting the below issue suddenly after reinstalling my packages, the app is working fine but it's giving me the following typescript error, I found that my redux version changed from 4.0.4 to 4.0.5 which I reverted back but still getting error
Argument of type 'StoreEnhancer<{ dispatch: {}; }, {}>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'StoreEnhancer<{}, {}>'. Types of parameters 'next' and 'next' are incompatible. Types of parameters 'preloadedState' and 'preloadedState' are incompatible. Type 'DeepPartial<S> | undefined' is not assignable to type 'PreloadedState<S> | undefined'. Type 'DeepPartial<S>' is not assignable to type 'PreloadedState<S>'.
composeEnhancers(applyMiddleware(epicMiddleware, reduxLogger))