i'm building Raect Native with Expo, trying to make custom dropdown and i find and article wit an awesome expiation how to do that here
the code written with typeScript syntax, but my project using a javaScript syntax so
- how can i change the code syntax's to work on my project?
- can use both Typescript and javascript on one project (so build the reusable component with Typescript)?
interface Props { label: string;}const Dropdown: FC<Props> = ({ label }) => { const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false); const toggleDropdown = () => { setVisible(!visible); }; const renderDropdown = () => { if (visible) { return (<Text style={styles.dropdown}> This is where the dropdown will be rendered.</Text> ); } }; return (<TouchableOpacity style={styles.button} onPress={toggleDropdown}> {renderDropdown()}<Text style={styles.buttonText}>{label}</Text><Icon type='font-awesome' name='chevron-down'/></TouchableOpacity> );}