I have a React Native Project (+ Typescript), where I collect all the StyleSheet values for Typography in one separate file (Typography.ts). It looks something like this:
const typography = {buttonText: { fontSize: 16, color: Colors.buttonTextColor, fontWeight: 'bold',},headline2: { fontSize: 20, fontWeight: Platform.OS === 'android' ? 'bold' : '600', color: Colors.fontColorMedium,},textVeryLight: { color: Colors.fontColorLight, lineHeight: 24, letterSpacing: -0.03, fontSize: 16, }}export default typography
As you may notice, it's not very convinient, because the names are confusing (after some time the names like "textVeryLight" will mean nothing to you). I would like to find out, if there is a better way to organize this. The same goes for the Colors.ts file, where I collect all the colors used in the project. It looks like this:
const Definitions = {orangeLightBg: '#FCEDDB',peachyLight: '#AC8484',peachyDark: '#ebdfdf99',richGreenLicht: '#e1ede699',richGreenDark: '#7ca68e',darkOrange: '#ff8766'}const Color = { backgroundOrange: Definitions.orangeLightBg, backgroundPeachy: Definitions.peachyLight, shadowColor: Definitions.black, fontColorPeachy: Definitions.peachyDark, backgroundRichGreen: Definitions.richGreenLicht, fontColorRichGreen: Definitions.richGreenDark, fontColorLightGray: Definitions.gray08, bulletPointOrange: Definitions.darkOrange}export default Color
I have an idea for the Color.ts file: it probably needs to be in one object, there is no need for the second one, because it doubles the code. Right?
Anyone got any tips?