I'm trying to create new react new app with typescript with the command
npx react-native init myApp --version 0.68.2 --template react-native-template-typescript
and I'm getting an error
error An unexpected error occurred: "https://registry.npm.taobao.org/react-native-template-react-native-template-typescript: [NOT_FOUND] react-native-template-react-native-template-typescript not found".
node version: v16.10.0
npm version:7.24.0
what I already tried to do
- run with different way:
npx --ignore-existing react-native init MyApp --templatereact-native-template-typescript
- npm uninstall -g react-native-cli
- npm i -g @react-native-community/cli
- yarn remove global react-native-cli
nothing helped to solve this issue.