i'm rendering an string array 'options' as this
<View ref={refInput}> {options.map((item, index) => (<View key={index}><View style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "row" }}><TextInput placeholder={item}></TextInput> {options.length > 2 && index === options.length - 1 && (<TouchableOpacity onPress={removeOption}><Text>Remover</Text></TouchableOpacity> )}</View> {index >= options.length - 1 && index < 3 && (<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => addOption(index)}><Text>Adicionar</Text></TouchableOpacity> )}</View> ))}</View>
For each element in my array i'm rendering a text input. It starts with 2 and can go up to 4 inputs. What is the best way to get those inputs values?
I passed a ref to the first View that renders the map and i have a function that get that ref by
const input = refInput.current
It returns to me a HTML collection that's a bit complicated to iterate and i don't even know how to type it with typescript.
So is there a better way to get the values?