When I user RNPickerSelect I get my items in the dropdown, but right before the first one there is an empty value which I want to remove. I just want the first item to be selected automatically. Does anyone know how to solve this?
The interface I use to declare the props and reuse them in the parent component
interface AutoSuggestProps { types: IRequest[]; onSelect: (item: string) => void; disabled: boolean; placeholderLabel: string; title: string; dropdownValue: string; setDropDownValue: (val: string) => void; }
Here I am creating a component which uses the React Native component
export const DropdownList = ({ currencyType, onSelect, disabled, placeholderLabel, title, dropdownValue, setDropDownValue, }: AutoSuggestProps): JSX.Element => { return (<View>
I have used it like this because it was only way I could get at least the first item. But the problem is on top of the first item, there is an empty element that is selectable
<RNPickerSelect disabled={false} value={dropdownValue} onValueChange={el => { setDropdownValue(el); onSelect(el); }}
If I use the placeholder like this placeholder: {{value: dropdownvalue, label: dropdownvalue}}
, a label 'Select item is printed' which I don't want.
placeholder={{}} items={types} useNativeAndroidPickerStyle={false} Icon={() => { return <DropdownArrowSVG_noFill width={(width + height) / 50} height={(width + height) / 50} fill={dropdownColor} />; }} /></View>)})