In my project I have a set of auto generated enum types, which I include from. Their names are long and I would like to created aliases for them. Let's say I have some enums with the following names:
Now throughout the project these enums are used everywhere, but I'd like to replace them by easier names, without changing the auto generated file.
What I have now is the following code (unfortunately, it is not working):
import { MySuperLongEnumName1 as Enum1 } from 'auto-generated-file.ts';import { MyEvenLongerSuperLongEnumName2 as Enum2 } from 'auto-generated-file.ts';export { Enum1, Enum2,};
So I would import them simply using:
import { Enum1 } from 'types.ts';
TypeScript seems to accept them and even adds a note when hovering over the type saying it is an alias
. But the app crashes while starting, saying it loaded the auto-generated file twice (already declared). This error goes away when I removed the import / export
for the alias.