import type {Node} from 'react';const Section = ({children, title}): Node => { const isDarkMode = useColorScheme() === 'dark'; return (<View style={styles.sectionContainer}><Text style={[ styles.sectionTitle, { color: isDarkMode ? Colors.white :, }, ]}> {title}</Text><Text style={[ styles.sectionDescription, { color: isDarkMode ? Colors.light : Colors.dark, }, ]}> {children}</Text></View> );};const App: () => Node = () => { const isDarkMode = useColorScheme() === 'dark'; const backgroundStyle = { backgroundColor: isDarkMode ? Colors.darker : Colors.lighter, }; return (<SafeAreaView style={backgroundStyle}><StatusBar barStyle={isDarkMode ? 'light-content' : 'dark-content'} /><ScrollView contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior="automatic" style={backgroundStyle}><Header /><View style={{ backgroundColor: isDarkMode ? : Colors.white, }}><Section title="Step One"> Edit <Text style={styles.highlight}>App.js</Text> to change this screen and then come back to see your edits.</Section><Section title="See Your Changes"><ReloadInstructions /></Section><Section title="Debug"><DebugInstructions /></Section><Section title="Learn More"> Read the docs to discover what to do next:</Section><LearnMoreLinks /></View></ScrollView></SafeAreaView> );};
i created a fresh app with npx react-native init myAppName command i opened app js fileto make changes , but i found typescript code inthe import statement and const section node , const app node are typescript , did i created typescript app??or it's still react native cli , is it gonna create any issues in future of this app