Im using TabbedHeaderPager in my project and i need to change tab programmatically and im trying to use function: goToPage() but i have problem to access the function.I have tried as a prop and through pagerProps.
<TabbedHeaderPager goToPage={goToPage} // cant access function here pagerProps={{ onScroll, //this function works goToPage // cant access function here }} rememberTabScrollPosition onTopReached={() => console.log('onTopReached')} snapToEdge={false} parallaxHeight={400} backgroundColor={t.background.val} title={ ? : 'My Golf Club'} foregroundImage={getClubLogoImage(club)} containerStyle={{ minHeight: 800, }} backgroundImage={getClubBackgroundImage(club)} tabs={tabs}> {, index) => tab.content)}</TabbedHeaderPager>