I am using useContext for authentication purposes and my code is of below
type userSignup = {name: string;email: string;password: string;signup() => void;}export const AuthContext = createContext<userSignup|null>(null);export const AuthProvider = ({children}) =>{const signup = async (name,email,password) => {const DTO ={name:name, email:email:, password:password}const response = await fetch('url',DTO);const data = await response.json();setToken(data);}}return (<AuthContext.Provider value={{signup}}> {children} </AuthContext.Provider>);
The issue is an error appears telling me that type (name: string, email: string,password: string, signup() => Promise) is not assignable to type userSignup.
I can overcome this by changing the
export const AuthContext = createContext<any|null>(null);
but I don't think using any
is a good approach.
Could someone please suggest a better solution for this?Thank you in advance
As David Alvarez suggested. I have changed the type userSignUp into:
type userSignUp ={ name: string;email: string;password: password;signup: () => Promise<void>;}
Now the error message says:Type'(name:any, email:any, password:any) => Promise<void>' is not assignable to type '()=> Promise<void>'