I get this error on the Icon property "TS2769: No overload matches this call."
Here is the React Native Picker Select I have used. The problem happens at the Icon property.
<RNPickerSelect disabled={false} onValueChange={el => { setValue(el); }} value={value} placeholder={{}} useNativeAndroidPickerStyle={false} items={items} Icon={() => { return <SvgImage width={24} height={24} fill={dropdownColor} />; }} />
The Svg image interface and component which is used inside RNPickerSelect property
export interface IProps { width: number; height: number; fill: string; }export const SvgImage = ({ width, height, fill }: IProps): JSX.Element => { return (<Svg width={width} height={height}><Path fill='none' d='M0 0h24v24H0z' /><Path fill={fill} d='m7 10 5 5 5-5' /></Svg> );};