Here is the FlatList component which I cannot scroll the swiplist child components. I have tried Adding ScrollView instead of FlatList but It gives me the error virtualizedlist should never be nested inside plain scrollview with the same orientation. With nesting SwipeList inside a flatlist the error is gone but I cannot scroll. Any idea what is the right way to fix this?
<View><FlatList nestedScrollEnabled={true} scrollEnabled={true} keyExtractor={(item, index) => 'key'+ index} data={data} renderItem={({ item }) => { return (<Component list={item.list} list2={item.list2} list3={item.list3} /> ); }} /></View>
Inside the component. Each one of the child components(List, List2, List3) represents a swiplist view.
export const Component= ({ list, list2, list3,}: IComponentProps): JSX.Element => { return (<View><Text>List</Text><List list={list} /><List2 list2={list2} /><List3 list3={list3} /></View> );};
And finally inside the List component
<SwipeListView data={list} listKey={'list'} leftOpenValue={10} rightOpenValue={-150} previewRowKey={'0'} previewOpenValue={-40} keyExtractor={listItem=>} previewOpenDelay={3000} closeOnScroll={true} closeOnRowBeginSwipe={true} stopLeftSwipe={1} renderItem={({ item }) => (<View><ListCard list={item}/></View> )} />