I am trying to create a native android view
for gradient
but wrapping the child elements in native android view
causes problem
My native code
class CealGradientView(context: Context): View(context)class CealGradientManager(private val reactApplicationContext: ReactApplicationContext): SimpleViewManager<CealGradientView>() { private val cealGradientView = "CealGradientView" override fun getName() = cealGradientView override fun createViewInstance(reactContext: ThemedReactContext): CealGradientView { return CealGradientView(reactContext) } @ReactProp(name = "colors") fun setColors(view: CealGradientView, color: ReadableArray) { val colorsCollection: ArrayList<Int> = ArrayList() for (i in 0 until color.size()) { colorsCollection.add(Color.parseColor(color.getString(i))) } val colors = colorsCollection.stream().mapToInt { i -> i }.toArray() val gradientDrawable = GradientDrawable( GradientDrawable.Orientation.TOP_BOTTOM, colors ) view.background = gradientDrawable }}
In react-native
I am trying to use it as follows
<CealGradientView colors={[theme.Primary_50, theme.Information]} style={styles.linearGradient}><View style={styles.topSpacerView} /><Image resizeMode={RESIZE_MODE_CENTER} source={CealLogo} /><View style={styles.bottomSpacerView} /></CealGradientView>
I get error saying
CealGradientView cannot be cast to android.view.ViewGroup
If I try replacing View
with LinearLayout
on the native side
class CealGradientView(context: Context): LinearLayout(context)
I get error saying
CealGradientView cannot be cast to com.facebook.react.uimanager.ViewGroupManager
I want to allow CealGradientView
to have children components from react-native