I keep getting the following error when trying to use styled components in react native and typescript:
WARN Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: 1):Error: Directory for 'file:///Users/me/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/12EBA58B-1919-42F7-A255-0AB501875563/data/Containers/Data/Application/8BD96CA0-A291-4840-A694-EB6F0D92867F/Library/Caches/ExponentExperienceData/%2540anonymous%252FDrinklink-c6446bc2-812f-446d-b2ff-ff09cb07de2a/ExponentAsset-b62641afc9ab487008e996a5c5865e56.ttf' doesn't exist.
Installed with:yarn add @types/styled-components-react-nativeSo I have version 5.1.3
Imported by:import styled from "styled-components/native";
Styled component code:
const Title = styled.Text` padding: 16px;`;export type Props = { vendor: any;};const VendorInfo: React.FC<Props> = ({ vendor }) => { const { title, image } = vendor; return (<Card elevation={5} style={styles.card}><Card.Cover style={styles.cover} source={{ uri: image }} /><Title>{title}</Title></Card> );};
Ive tried various things to get styled components react native to work and so far have had no luck. Appreciate any suggestions.