I came across an error that I don't know how to solve.
I have a generic component in React Native that takes a T
value extending unknow
However, inside this type T
I'm sure I'll have a type called "name".
The question is...is there any way to use the generic type and, in addition, put the name as the default of T
My code is this...
type GridProps<T> = { data: T[];};export function Grid<T extends unknown>({ data }: GridProps<T>) { const { sizes } = useTheme(); return (<><GridHeader><Text content={`Encontrados ${data.length} items.`} color="gray-400" /></GridHeader><FlashList numColumns={2} data={data} estimatedItemSize={data.length} renderItem={({ item, index }) => (<GridItem style={ index % 2 === 0 ? { marginRight: sizes[2] } : { marginLeft: sizes[2] } }><Text content={item.name} /></GridItem> )} /></> );}