I am creating a drawer navigation for my react native app but can't seem to customize the drawer. Tried following the documentation and other examples but they all bring up errors. I need to change the text size and colour and also add a profile picture on the top and a logout function way down at the bottom
function ProfileDrawer() {const Drawer = createDrawerNavigator()
return (<SafeAreaProvider><Drawer.Navigator initialRouteName="DashBoard" screenOptions={{ drawerStyle: { width: '60%', }, drawerActiveTintColor: "#BC4B52", }}><Drawer.Screen name='DashBoard' component={DashBoard} options={{ drawerType: 'front', title: "dashboard", headerShown: false, }} /><Drawer.Screen name='Profile' component={ProfileScreen} options={{ headerShown: false, drawerIcon: () =><Ionicons name="md-person-outline" size={30} color="black" /> }} /><Drawer.Screen name='Airtime' component={AirtimeScreen} options={{ headerShown:false, drawerIcon:()=><Ionicons name="cash-outline" size={30} color="black" /> }} /></Drawer.Navigator></SafeAreaProvider>)