I am getting the error : [SyntaxError: No identifiers allowed directly after numeric literal]
Actually I am using @solana/web3.js
and @solana/spl-token
/*param is{"amount": "1", "mintAddress": "8hhtxFeTfwjxM6E5CCMyAwAD2FyYPhFptkd7NG1kCXcD", "network": "devnet", "privateKey": [63, 187, 34, 85, 159, 44, 110, 254, 116, 129, 35, 146, 244, 255, 155, 211, 159, 242, 54, 58, 203, 80, 192, 199, 201, 245, 83, 120, 199, 209, 45, 200, 244, 225, 78, 38, 107, 204, 74, 92, 219, 98, 200, 117, 166, 82, 140, 165, 121, 161, 190, 47, 129, 123, 66, 42, 89, 147, 160, 22, 184, 133, 113, 213], "toAddress": "Dd77w197tyyst5wXYXUHVCbWBYyWbTdBBHecpqLD6z16"}*/ const connectionCluster = new web3.Connection(web3.clusterApiUrl('devnet')); const TokenAddress = new web3.PublicKey(param.mintAddress); const recipientAddress = new web3.PublicKey(param.toAddress); const senderKeypair = web3.Keypair.fromSecretKey(param.privateKey); const txSigner: web3.Signer = { publicKey: senderKeypair.publicKey, secretKey: senderKeypair.secretKey } // getting error in below line // No identifiers allowed directly after numeric literal const addRecipientTokenAccount = await spl.getOrCreateAssociatedTokenAccount( connectionCluster, txSigner, TokenAddress, recipientAddress
definition can be seen here:https://solana-labs.github.io/solana-program-library/token/js/modules.html#getOrCreateAssociatedTokenAccount
I am doing everything right (I believe). I have checked several times, but still don't know why the error is coming at build time. When I comment out the line getOrCreateAssociatedTokenAccount
- error goes away.
The problem is the error does not show any stack trace - it says no stack