I'm trying to apply generic types for createDataContext helper function in React, I already spent some time, but have had no luck doing it. I'm trying to use a typescript as most as I can, but probably some gaps don't allow me to complete this task on my own, so I'm asking you for help. Thank you
- state could contain any props
- every action could have various params in the second function
- reducer needs to have a specific type from react extended with custom state and actions union type
- the goal is to get defined types of actions and state whenever useContext will be used, the corresponding tip should be shown
const { state, delete } = useContext(MyContext); // in IDE hint "delete: (prop: string) => void"
Incoming data:
const state: SomeCustomStateType = { prop1: [], prop2: 123, prop3: 'hello'};// actionsconst add = (type: string, payload: any) => () => {},const delete = (type: string, payload: any) => (prop: string) => {}const reducer: Reducer<SomeCustomStateType, SomeCustomActionsType> = function (state, actions) {};
Function itself:
export function createDataContext(reducer, actions, initialState) { const Context = createContext(initialState); const Provider = ({ children }) => { const [state, dispatch] = useImmerReducer(reducer, initialState); // const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState); let boundActions = {}; for (let key in actions) { boundActions[key] = actions[key](dispatch); } return <Context.Provider value={{ state, ...boundActions }}>{children}</Context.Provider>; }; return { Context, Provider };};
export const { Context, Provider } = createDataContext(reducer, { add, delete }, state);