I would like to change the style when the button is pressed, but just change the pressed one, not all the row list. How can achieve this in React-native. This is what I have tried.
//hooks const [activeStyle, setActiveStyle] = useState(styles.container); const handlerOnPress = (item: string, index: number) => { setActiveStyle({ backgroundColor: AppColors.tertiary, padding: 10, borderRadius: 10, }) } return data.map( (item, index) => { return (<TouchableOpacity key={ index } activeOpacity={ 0.3 } onPress={ () => handlerOnPress( item, index ) }><View style={ activeStyle }><Text style={{ ...globalStyle.subTitle, color: AppColors.black }}>{ item }</Text></View></TouchableOpacity> ) } );
I want to achieve something like this, when you press the button, the one that has been pressed change, not all of them.