I'm trying to create an abstraction for a component by passing a component as a prop. In short, I want to be able to pass a TriggerComponent
that can be either a View
, Button
, or Whatever
other component as long as it can take an onPress
I have a shared Menu
component here:
// src/components/shared/Menu.tsximport { ReactNode, FunctionComponent, useRef } from 'react';import { Menu as PMMenu, MenuOptions, MenuTrigger, withMenuContext,} from 'react-native-popup-menu';import { View } from 'react-native';interface IMenu { children: ReactNode, ctx: { menuActions: { toggleMenu: (name: string) => void, }, }, TriggerComponent: FunctionComponent, triggerProps: Object,}function Menu({ ctx: { menuActions: { toggleMenu } }, children, TriggerComponent, triggerProps,}: IMenu) ... return (<View><TriggerComponent {...triggerProps} onPress={() => toggleMenu(menuRef.current?.props?.menuName)} // <-- ERROR: Property 'onPress' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes'.ts(2322) /><PMMenu><MenuTrigger ref={menuRef} /><MenuOptions customStyles={optionsStyles}> {children}</MenuOptions></PMMenu></View> );
The code calling the Menu
function UserHeaderButton() { const nav = useNavigation<any>(); return (<Menu TriggerComponent={Item} triggerProps={{ title: 'Account', iconName: 'account-circle', }}><MenuOption onSelect={() => nav.navigate('auth', { screen: 'login' })} text="Login" /><MenuOption onSelect={() => nav.navigate('auth', { screen: 'signup' })} text="Sign Up" /></Menu> );}
If I define triggerProps
as any
, the error disappears, which is weird because the onPress
prop isn't included in that object.