[I was working on a react native project and got stuck in this error which says property does not exist on type... I am unable to change the flex direction of 'row' even though I have added it in styles.ts1The error
import React, {useState} from 'react'; import { Image, View, Text } from 'react-native'; import FontAwesome from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome'; import QuantitySelector from '../QuantitySelector'; import styles from './styles'; interface CartProductItemProps { cartItem: { id: string; quantity: number; option?: string; item: { id: string; title: string; image: string; avgRating: number; ratings: number; price: number; oldPrice?: number; }; }; } const CartProductItem = ({cartItem}: CartProductItemProps) => { const { quantity: quantityProp, item } = cartItem;const [quantity, setQuantity] = useState(quantityProp);return (<View style={styles.root}><View style={styles.row}><Image style={styles.image} source={{uri: item.image}} /><View style={styles.rightContainer}><Text style={styles.title} numberOfLines={3}> {item.title}</Text> {/* Ratings */}<View style={styles.ratingsContainer}> {[0, 0, 0, 0, 0].map((el, i) => (<FontAwesome key={`${item.id}-${i}`} style={styles.star} name={i < Math.floor(item.avgRating) ? 'star' : 'star-o'} size={18} color={'#FFDE00'} /> ))}<Text>{item.ratings}</Text></View><Text style={styles.price}> from ${item.price} {item.oldPrice && (<Text style={styles.oldPrice}>${item.oldPrice}</Text> )}</Text></View></View><QuantitySelector quantity={quantity} setQuantity={setQuantity} /></View>);};export default CartProductItem;
I want to place the quantity selector of the ecommerce app below the price. Can't figure out the error in the line no. 32.the error
This is the style object code
/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier */import {StyleSheet} from 'react-native';const styles = StyleSheet.create({root: { borderWidth: 1, borderColor: '#d1d1d1', borderRadius: 10, backgroundColor: '#fff', marginVertical: 5,},row: { flexDirection: 'row',},image: { flex: 2, height: 150, resizeMode: 'contain',},rightContainer: { padding: 10, flex: 3,},title: { color: 'black', fontSize: 18,},price: { fontSize: 18, color: 'black', fontWeight: 'bold',},oldPrice: { fontSize: 12, fontWeight: 'normal', textDecorationLine: 'line-through',},ratingsContainer: { flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center', marginVertical: 10,},star: { margin: 2,},});export default styles;