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REACT NATIVE TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'navigation.navigate') ..., [closed]

App.js (Login)import * as React from 'react';import {useState} from 'react';import { Text, StyleSheet, KeyboardAvoidingView, ScrollView, Image,TextInput, TouchableOpacity, View } from 'react-native';import { CheckBox } from 'react-native-elements';import {Ionicons} from '@expo/vector-icons'import {statusBar01} from './src/statusBar';const Login = ({navigation}) => {const [input, setInput] = useState('');const [hidePass, setHidePass] = useState(true);const [ischecked1, setIschecked1] = useState(true)//const navigation = useNavigation(); return (<KeyboardAvoidingView        style={styles.container}><ScrollView><Image                source={require('./assets/logo.png')}                style={styles.logo}            /><Text style={styles.helloText}>                 Olá de novo !</Text><Text style={styles.welcomeText}>                Bem-vindo(a) de volta,                sentimos sua falta! </Text><TextInput                style={styles.inputArea}                placeholder="Digite o e-mail"            /><TextInput                style={styles.inputArea}                placeholder="Senha"                value={input}                onChangeText={ (texto) => setInput(texto)}                secureTextEntry={hidePass}            /><TouchableOpacity style={styles.eye} onPress={ () => setHidePass(!hidePass) }><Ionicons name={hidePass ? 'eye' : 'eye-off'}                    color="#A0D800" size={25}                /></TouchableOpacity><View style={styles.checkBoxStyle}><CheckBox                    left                    size={18}                    checkedColor='#A0D800'                    value={ischecked1}                    checked={ischecked1}                    onPress={() => setIschecked1(!ischecked1)}                    containerStyle={{ backgroundColor: "transparent",                    borderColor: "transparent", marginRight: 0}}                /><TouchableOpacity><Text style={styles.Connected}>                     Manter-se conectado</Text></TouchableOpacity><TouchableOpacity><Text style={styles.forgotPassword}>                     Esqueci minha senha</Text></TouchableOpacity></View><TouchableOpacity                 style={styles.botao}                onPress={() => navigation.navigate('HomeScreen')}><Text style={styles.botaoText}>Entrar</Text></TouchableOpacity></ScrollView></KeyboardAvoidingView>);}const styles = StyleSheet.create({container: {    flex: 2,    justifyContent: 'center',    alignItems: 'center',    backgroundColor: '#fff'},logo: {          marginTop:50,    marginBottom: 80,    width: 150,    height: 40,},inputArea:{   marginTop: 30,   padding: 15,   height: 60,   width: 370,   borderColor: '#808080',   borderWidth: 1,   backgroundColor: '#fff',   fontSize: 16,   fontWeight: 'bold',   borderRadius: 15},botao: {    width: 350,    height: 60,    backgroundColor: '#000000',    marginTop: 35,    marginLeft: 8,    borderRadius: 15,    alignItems: 'center',    justifyContent: 'center',},botaoText: {  fontSize: 15,  fontWeight: 'bold',  color: '#fff'},helloText: {  fontSize: 40,  fontWeight: 'bold',  marginTop: 15,  color: '#000000',  marginEnd: 120,  marginTop: 8},welcomeText: {  fontSize: 16,  marginTop: 10,  marginEnd: 35,  marginVertical: 10,  color: '#808080',},forgotPassword: {  textDecorationLine: 'underline',  fontWeight: 'bold',  marginTop: 15,  marginBottom: 15,  marginLeft: 30,  fontSize: 12},Connected:{  textDecorationLine: 'underline',  fontWeight: 'bold',  marginTop: 15,  fontSize: 12,  marginRight: 55,  marginLeft: -5},checkBoxStyle:{  marginTop: 15,  flexDirection: 'row',  marginStart: -10},eye:{alignSelf: 'flex-end',bottom: 42,right: 40}})export default Login;HomeScreen.jsimport * as React from 'react';import { useState } from 'react';import { Text, View, ScrollView, KeyboardAvoidingView, Image, TouchableOpacity} from 'react-native';import { createBottomTabNavigator } from '@react-navigation/bottom-tabs';import { Entypo, Feather } from 'react-native-vector-icons';import SwitchSelector from "react-native-switch-selector";import {Card} from 'react-native-shadow-cards';import * as Progress from 'react-native-progress';import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native';import statusBar01 from './src/statusBar';import 'react-native-gesture-handler';import {createStackNavigator} from 'react-navigation/stack'import Login from '../../App';//import { HomeScreen } from './src/screens/HomeScreen';//import { TasksScreen } from './src/screens/TasksScreen';//import { SettingsScreen } from './src/screens/SettingsScreen';function TasksScreen() {  return (<View style={{ flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center' }}><Text>Tasks!</Text></View>  );}function HomeScreen() {    const options = [      { label: "Active", value: "a" },      { label: "New", value: "n" },    ];    const [showHide, setShowHide] = useState(false);  return (<KeyboardAvoidingView style={{      flex: 2,      justifyContent: 'center',      alignItems: 'center',      backgroundColor: '#fff'    }}><ScrollView ><Text style={{textAlign:'left', fontSize: 33,       fontWeight:'bold', paddingTop: 100,       paddingLeft: 20, bottom: 55}}>       {'Olá, \nUsuário!'}</Text><Text style={{paddingLeft: 20,           color: '#808080', bottom: 80,           fontSize: 20 , paddingTop: 50}}>          Minhas tasks</Text><Image      source={require('./assets/images/user.jpeg')}      style={{marginTop:50,        width: 55,        height: 55,        borderRadius: 10,        top: -250,        left: 300,        borderColor: '#ECECEC',        borderWidth: 1       }          }        /><SwitchSelector         style={{width:390,paddingLeft: 15, bottom: 160}}        textColor={'#FFFFFF'}        selectedColor={'#000000'}        fontSize={15}        height={60}        bold        backgroundColor={'#000000'}        valuePadding={-1}        hasPadding        borderRadius={15}        options={options}        initial={0}        //onPress={value => console.log(`Call onPress with value: ${value}`)}         /><Card style={{ margin: 19, height: 170,         marginTop: -125}}><Feather name={'file-text'}       color={'#F2CB1D'}        size={20}       style={{paddingLeft: 20,        top: 20,}}/><Text        style={{paddingLeft: 50}}>Task 59788</Text><Entypo name={'controller-record'}        style={{paddingLeft: 270, bottom: 14       }}        color={'#007ACC'}        size={10}        /><Text        style={{paddingLeft: 290, bottom: 30}}>Active</Text><Text style={{fontSize: 12,        paddingLeft: 20, bottom: 15        }}>App corporativo OnlineTeam</Text><Text style={{paddingLeft: 20,        fontSize: 20, bottom: 10}}>Criar telas no Figma</Text><Text style={{paddingLeft: 20,         fontSize: 12}}>Original Estimate: 4h</Text><Text style={{paddingLeft: 250,        bottom: 17, fontSize: 12}}>Completed: 2h</Text><Text style={{textAlign: 'left',        bottom: 10, fontSize: 10,         paddingLeft: 55}}>        0%</Text> <Progress.Bar progress={0.1}         width={200}        color={'#A0D800'}        backgroundColor={'#ECECEC'}        borderColor={'transparent'}        height={10}        borderRadius={10}        style={{alignSelf: 'center'}}        bottom={20}         /><Text style={{textAlign: 'right',          fontSize: 10,bottom: 35,           paddingRight: 40}}>          100%</Text></Card><Card style={{ margin: 19, height: 170,         marginTop: -125, marginTop: 5}}><Entypo name={'bug'}       color={'#FF0000'}        size={20}       style={{paddingLeft: 20,        top: 20,}}/><Text        style={{paddingLeft: 50}}>Bug 59352</Text><Entypo name={'controller-record'}        style={{paddingLeft: 270, bottom: 14      }}        color={'#FF0000'}        size={10}        /><Text        style={{paddingLeft: 290, bottom: 30}}>Issue</Text><Text style={{fontSize: 12,        paddingLeft: 20, bottom: 15        }}>Cargo Online Team</Text><Text style={{paddingLeft: 20,        fontSize: 20, bottom: 10}}>        Acusando duplicidade de contrato...</Text><Text style={{paddingLeft: 20,         fontSize: 12}}>Original Estimate: 4h</Text><Text style={{paddingLeft: 250,        bottom: 17, fontSize: 12}}>Completed: 2h</Text><Text style={{textAlign: 'left',        bottom: 10, fontSize: 10,         paddingLeft: 55}}>        0%</Text> <Progress.Bar progress={0.1}         width={200}        color={'#A0D800'}        backgroundColor={'#ECECEC'}        borderColor={'transparent'}        height={10}        borderRadius={10}        style={{alignSelf: 'center'}}        bottom={20}         /><Text style={{textAlign: 'right',          fontSize: 10,bottom: 35,           paddingRight: 40}}>          100%</Text></Card></ScrollView></KeyboardAvoidingView>  );}  function SettingsScreen() {    return (<View style={{ flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'  }}><Text>Settings!</Text></View>    );  }export default function App() {  const Tab = createBottomTabNavigator();  return (<NavigationContainer><Tab.Navigator       screenOptions={{        tabBarActiveTintColor: "#A0D800",        tabBarInactiveTintColor: "#FFFFFF",        //tabBarActiveBackgroundColor: "#FFFFFF",        //tabBarInactiveBackgroundColor: "#000000",        backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF",        headerShown: false,        tabBarSelectedItemStyle: {          borderBottomWidth: 2,          borderBottomColor: 'red',        },        tabBarStyle: [          {            display: "flex",            backgroundColor: "#000000",            borderTopLeftRadius: 20,            borderTopRightRadius: 20,            height: 70,            overflow: 'hidden',            alignItems: 'center',            justifyContent: 'center',           },          null,        ],         tabBarHideOnKeyboard: true,        tabBarLabelStyle:{          //fontSize: 20,          //fontWeight: 'bold',          backgroundColor: "#000000",          width: 60,          flex: 0.000004,           },      }}><Tab.Screen name="  "         component={TasksScreen}        options={{          tabBarIcon: ({ color}) => (<Entypo name="add-to-list"             size={30}            color={color}             />            )        }}         /><Tab.Screen name=" "         component={HomeScreen}        options={{          tabBarIcon: ({ color}) => (<Feather name="home"             size={30}            color={color}             />            )        }} /><Tab.Screen name="   "         component={SettingsScreen}        options={{          tabBarIcon: ({ color}) => (<Feather name="settings"             size={30}            color={color}         />        )    }}     /></Tab.Navigator></NavigationContainer>);


I'm not managing to organize the code or implement a navigation on the login button for the home screen, someone helps me please???I tried to create a Login.js and export it and the HomeScreen to the App.js but it also failed.Could someone help me with the resolution so I can proceed with my code?I need help whit thisI am a begginer devPlease :( :( :(

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