How can I set parent screen options based on child navigator's state in react navigation version 5 using Typescript. Actually it is described in documentation. But types are not mentioned for routes. Here is the working code described in documentation:
function getHeaderTitle(route) {// Access the tab navigator's state using `route.state`const routeName = route.state? // Get the currently active route name in the tab navigator route.state.routes[route.state.index].name: // If state doesn't exist, we need to default to `screen` param if available, or the initial screen // In our case, it's "Feed" as that's the first screen inside the navigator route.params?.screen || 'Feed'; switch (routeName) { case 'Feed': return 'News feed'; case 'Profile': return 'My profile'; case 'Account': return 'My account'; } }<Stack.Screen name="Home" component={HomeTabs} options={({ route }) => ({ headerTitle: getHeaderTitle(route), })} />
How can I implement this in typescript and is there any guide for version 5 in typescript?