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How can I change reactJS with some TypeScript code to a pure Javascript?


Here I have two functions created with ReactJS and TypeScript and compiled with Babel compiler, How can I change them to pure javascript?

Here is the code snipets:

    __d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {        var t,        n;        t = this,        n = function () {            var t = t || (function (t, n) {                var o = Object.create || (function () {                    function t() {}                    return function (n) {                        var o;                        return t.prototype = n,                        o = new t,                        t.prototype = null,                        o                    }                })(),                s = {},                c = s.lib = {},                u = c.Base = {                    extend: function (t) {                        var n = o(this);                        return t && n.mixIn(t),                        n.hasOwnProperty('init') && this.init !== n.init || (n.init = function () {                            n.$super.init.apply(this, arguments)                        }),                        n.init.prototype = n,                        n.$super = this,                        n                    },                    create: function () {                        var t = this.extend();                        return t.init.apply(t, arguments),                        t                    },                    init: function () {},                    mixIn: function (t) {                        for (var n in t)                            t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (this[n] = t[n]);                        t.hasOwnProperty('toString') && (this.toString = t.toString)                    },                    clone: function () {                        return this.init.prototype.extend(this)                    }                },                f = c.WordArray = u.extend({                    init: function (t, n) {                        t = this.words = t || [],                        this.sigBytes = void 0 != n ? n : 4 * t.length                    },                    toString: function (t) {                        return (t || p).stringify(this)                    },                    concat: function (t) {                        var n = this.words,                        o = t.words,                        s = this.sigBytes,                        c = t.sigBytes;                        if (this.clamp(), s % 4)                            for (var u = 0; u < c; u++) {                                var f = o[u >>> 2] >>> 24 - u % 4 * 8 & 255;                                n[s + u >>> 2] |= f << 24 - (s + u) % 4 * 8                            }                        else                            for (u = 0; u < c; u += 4)                                n[s + u >>> 2] = o[u >>> 2];                        return this.sigBytes += c,                        this                    },                    clamp: function () {                        var n = this.words,                        o = this.sigBytes;                        n[o >>> 2] &= 4294967295 << 32 - o % 4 * 8,                        n.length = t.ceil(o / 4)                    },                    clone: function () {                        var t = u.clone.call(this);                        return t.words = this.words.slice(0),                        t                    },                    random: function (n) {                        for (var o, s = [], c = function (n) {                            n = n;                            var o = 987654321,                            s = 4294967295;                            return function () {                                var c = ((o = 36969 * (65535 & o) + (o >> 16) & s) << 16) + (n = 18e3 * (65535 & n) + (n >> 16) & s) & s;                                return c /= 4294967296,                                (c += .5) * (t.random() > .5 ? 1 : -1)                            }                        }, u = 0; u < n; u += 4) {                            var h = c(4294967296 * (o || t.random()));                            o = 987654071 * h(),                            s.push(4294967296 * h() | 0)                        }                        return new f.init(s, n)                    }                }),                h = s.enc = {},                p = h.Hex = {                    stringify: function (t) {                        for (var n = t.words, o = t.sigBytes, s = [], c = 0; c < o; c++) {                            var u = n[c >>> 2] >>> 24 - c % 4 * 8 & 255;                            s.push((u >>> 4).toString(16)),                            s.push((15 & u).toString(16))                        }                        return s.join('')                    },                    parse: function (t) {                        for (var n = t.length, o = [], s = 0; s < n; s += 2)                            o[s >>> 3] |= parseInt(t.substr(s, 2), 16) << 24 - s % 8 * 4;                        return new f.init(o, n / 2)                    }                },                l = h.Latin1 = {                    stringify: function (t) {                        for (var n = t.words, o = t.sigBytes, s = [], c = 0; c < o; c++) {                            var u = n[c >>> 2] >>> 24 - c % 4 * 8 & 255;                            s.push(String.fromCharCode(u))                        }                        return s.join('')                    },                    parse: function (t) {                        for (var n = t.length, o = [], s = 0; s < n; s++)                            o[s >>> 2] |= (255 & t.charCodeAt(s)) << 24 - s % 4 * 8;                        return new f.init(o, n)                    }                },                y = h.Utf8 = {                    stringify: function (t) {                        try {                            return decodeURIComponent(escape(l.stringify(t)))                        } catch (t) {                            throw new Error('Malformed UTF-8 data')                        }                    },                    parse: function (t) {                        return l.parse(unescape(encodeURIComponent(t)))                    }                },                v = c.BufferedBlockAlgorithm = u.extend({                    reset: function () {                        this._data = new f.init,                        this._nDataBytes = 0                    },                    _append: function (t) {'string' == typeof t && (t = y.parse(t)),                        this._data.concat(t),                        this._nDataBytes += t.sigBytes                    },                    _process: function (n) {                        var o = this._data,                        s = o.words,                        c = o.sigBytes,                        u = this.blockSize,                        h = c / (4 * u),                        p = (h = n ? t.ceil(h) : t.max((0 | h) - this._minBufferSize, 0)) * u,                        l = t.min(4 * p, c);                        if (p) {                            for (var y = 0; y < p; y += u)                                this._doProcessBlock(s, y);                            var v = s.splice(0, p);                            o.sigBytes -= l                        }                        return new f.init(v, l)                    },                    clone: function () {                        var t = u.clone.call(this);                        return t._data = this._data.clone(),                        t                    },                    _minBufferSize: 0                }),                w = (c.Hasher = v.extend({                        cfg: u.extend(),                        init: function (t) {                            this.cfg = this.cfg.extend(t),                            this.reset()                        },                        reset: function () {                            v.reset.call(this),                            this._doReset()                        },                        update: function (t) {                            return this._append(t),                            this._process(),                            this                        },                        finalize: function (t) {                            return t && this._append(t),                            this._doFinalize()                        },                        blockSize: 16,                        _createHelper: function (t) {                            return function (n, o) {                                return new t.init(o).finalize(n)                            }                        },                        _createHmacHelper: function (t) {                            return function (n, o) {                                return new w.HMAC.init(t, o).finalize(n)                            }                        }                    }), s.algo = {});                return s            })(Math);            return t        },"object" == typeof e ? m.exports = e = n() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define([], n) : t.CryptoJS = n()    }, 726, []);

the other function snippet code:

__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {        var t,        n;        t = this,        n = function (t) {            return (function (n) {                var o = t,                s = o.lib,                c = s.WordArray,                f = s.Hasher,                h = o.algo,                u = [],                l = [];                !(function () {                    function t(t) {                        for (var o = n.sqrt(t), s = 2; s <= o; s++)                            if (!(t % s))                                return !1;                        return !0                    }                    function o(t) {                        return 4294967296 * (t - (0 | t)) | 0                    }                    for (var s = 2, c = 0; c < 64; )                        t(s) && (c < 8 && (u[c] = o(n.pow(s, .5))), l[c] = o(n.pow(s, .3333333333333333)), c++), s++                })();                var _ = [],                v = h.SHA256 = f.extend({                    _doReset: function () {                        this._hash = new c.init(u.slice(0))                    },                    _doProcessBlock: function (t, n) {                        for (var o = this._hash.words, s = o[0], c = o[1], f = o[2], h = o[3], u = o[4], v = o[5], p = o[6], H = o[7], y = 0; y < 64; y++) {                            if (y < 16)                                _[y] = 0 | t[n + y];                            else {                                var w = _[y - 15],                                A = (w << 25 | w >>> 7) ^ (w << 14 | w >>> 18) ^ w >>> 3,                                S = _[y - 2],                                B = (S << 15 | S >>> 17) ^ (S << 13 | S >>> 19) ^ S >>> 10;                                _[y] = A + _[y - 7] + B + _[y - 16]                            }                            var b = s & c ^ s & f ^ c & f,                            x = (s << 30 | s >>> 2) ^ (s << 19 | s >>> 13) ^ (s << 10 | s >>> 22),                            j = H + ((u << 26 | u >>> 6) ^ (u << 21 | u >>> 11) ^ (u << 7 | u >>> 25)) + (u & v ^ ~u & p) + l[y] + _[y];                            H = p,                            p = v,                            v = u,                            u = h + j | 0,                            h = f,                            f = c,                            c = s,                            s = j + (x + b) | 0                        }                        o[0] = o[0] + s | 0,                        o[1] = o[1] + c | 0,                        o[2] = o[2] + f | 0,                        o[3] = o[3] + h | 0,                        o[4] = o[4] + u | 0,                        o[5] = o[5] + v | 0,                        o[6] = o[6] + p | 0,                        o[7] = o[7] + H | 0                    },                    _doFinalize: function () {                        var t = this._data,                        o = t.words,                        s = 8 * this._nDataBytes,                        c = 8 * t.sigBytes;                        return o[c >>> 5] |= 128 << 24 - c % 32,                        o[14 + (c + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = n.floor(s / 4294967296),                        o[15 + (c + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = s,                        t.sigBytes = 4 * o.length,                        this._process(),                        this._hash                    },                    clone: function () {                        var t = f.clone.call(this);                        return t._hash = this._hash.clone(),                        t                    }                });                o.SHA256 = f._createHelper(v),                o.HmacSHA256 = f._createHmacHelper(v)            })(Math),            t.SHA256        },"object" == typeof e ? m.exports = e = n(r(d[0])) : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["./core"], n) : n(t.CryptoJS)    }, 725, [726]);

apparently the two functions look alike but there is some minor changes, both is doing encryption with sha256, of course it is cryptoJS sha256.js but looks like there is some additions forexample this line "object" == typeof e ? m.exports = e = n(r(d[0])) : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["./core"], n) : n(t.CryptoJS) what these code is doin?

Can I change them to Javascript and how?

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