I am trying to get the image url from itunes. This is the code:
interface SongProps { data: { name: string; artist: string; album: string; at: string; };}const ITUNES_ENDPOINT ="https://itunes.apple.com/search?limit=1&&media=music&limit=1&term=";async function artWork(name:string, artist:string): Promise<string | null> { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (name.length === 0) { resolve(null); return } const searchTerm = `${artist} ${name ? name : artist}`; fetch(`${ITUNES_ENDPOINT}${encodeURI(searchTerm)}`) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((data) => { if (data.results.length > 0) { const res = data.results[0]; resolve(res.artworkUrl100.replace("100x100", "600x600")); } resolve(null) return null }) .catch((e) => console.error("Critical failure: "+ e.message)); });}const src = (props:SongProps)=>{ return [ artWork(props.data.name,props.data.artist)]};const FinalImg = (props:{src:string | number})=>{ console.log(src) return (<View style={styles.albumArtContainer}><Image source={src} style={styles.albumArt} /></View> )}
and my result in src
shout be src="https://is4-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Music30/v4/a0/08/ee/a008eecc-f4e8-4eec-e293-95aed1673a54/source/100x100bb.jpg";
I got no errors.
Any advice?
P.S.: I am a newbie in ts