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user submitted oidc auth endpoint for expo react native app


I am attempting to build an app that is able to connect to different oidc endpoints depending on which URI they input.

I havent found any documentation on changing or updating the 'expo-auth-session' useAuthRequest method. The goal would be the user inputs the uri they would like to connect, then the AuthSession.makeRedirectUri would make a new redirectUri to pass to AuthSession.useAuthRequest() . The problem is I cant access AuthSession in a hook.

ideally what i could do

const connect = async (newURI) =>{const redirectUri = AuthSession.makeRedirectUri({    useProxy:true,    projectNameForProxy: `${newURI}`,    path: '/idp/members'  });  const discovery = AuthSession.useAutoDiscovery(`${newURI}`);  const [request, result, promptAsync] = await AuthSession.useAuthRequest(    {      clientId: "ess-next",      redirectUri,      scopes:['openid', 'api1'],    },    discovery  );  promptAsync()}

expanded into my app roughly its a little different

import {  observer } from "mobx-react-lite"import React, { FC, useEffect, useState } from "react"import { translate } from "../i18n"// import { saveString, loadString } from "../utils/storage/storage";import { MaterialCommunityIcons  } from "@expo/vector-icons";import {  Text,} from "../components"import { Box, Input, Image, Flex, Button, FlatList, HStack, VStack, IconButton, Icon, Spacer, Pressable } from "native-base"import { StackScreenProps } from "@react-navigation/stack"import { AppStackScreenProps } from "../navigators"import { useStores } from "../models";import * as AuthSession from 'expo-auth-session';// import { prefetchConfiguration, authorize  } from "react-native-app-auth";// import * as WebBrowser from 'expo-web-browser';// const useProxy = true;// import { toJS } from "mobx";const appIcon = require("../../assets/images/icon.png")export const WelcomeScreen: FC<StackScreenProps<AppStackScreenProps<'Welcome'>>>  = observer(function WelcomeScreen(_props) {   const { uriStore, authStore } = useStores()  const { history, lastConnectedUri } = uriStore  const [ uriInput, setUriInput ] = useState("")  // const [ loadingStore, setLoadingStore ] = useState(false)  const redirectUri = AuthSession.makeRedirectUri({    useProxy:true,    projectNameForProxy: `${lastConnectedUri}`,    path: '/idp/members'  });  const discovery = AuthSession.useAutoDiscovery(`${lastConnectedUri}`);  const [request, result, promptAsync] = AuthSession.useAuthRequest(    {      clientId: "ess-next",      redirectUri,      scopes:['openid', 'api1'],    },    discovery  );  useEffect(() => {    // handleAuthorize()    console.log('effect ');    setUriInput(lastConnectedUri)  }, [])  const connect: any = async (uri: string) => {    const record = uriStore.history.filter(i => i.id === uri)[0]    await uriStore.connect(record)    setUriInput(uri)    // const x = await authStore.setAuthToken()    // console.log(x);  }  const connectBtn: any = async (uri) => {    console.log('connect btn', uriStore);    await uriStore.addUri(uri)              connect(uri)  }  return (<Box _dark={{ bg: "coolGray.800" }} _light={{ bg: "warmGray.50" }} h="100%" ><Flex  px="5" pb="2" mt="50px" mb="3" mx="3" alignItems="center"         borderWidth="1"        borderRadius="4"        borderColor="gray.300" ><Image size={150} source={appIcon} resizeMode="contain" alt="logo" /><Text mb="3"            tx="welcomeScreen.header"            preset="heading" /><Text tx="welcomeScreen.instructions" /><Input placeholder={ translate('common.uri') } h="50px" w="100%" bg="white" my="5"               value={uriInput}              onChangeText={setUriInput} /><Button rounded="2" w="100%" pt="5" h="50px" mb="2"          onPress={ () => connectBtn(uriInput) } >           { translate('common.connect') } </Button></Flex><Text p="3" preset="heading" tx="common.history"/><FlatList        data={[...history]}        flex="1"        renderItem={({item}) => <Pressable p="2" mx="3" mb="1.5"              borderWidth="1"              borderRadius="4"              borderColor="gray.300" onPress={ ()=>{ connect(item.id) } }><HStack  space="3" alignItems="center"><VStack><Text preset="subheading">{item.id}</Text><HStack><Text tx="common.added"></Text><Text>: {item.created?.toLocaleString()}</Text></HStack><HStack  alignItems="center">                       {/* <Text tx="common.lc"></Text><Text  fontSize="xs">: {item.lastConnected?.toLocaleString()}</Text> */}</HStack>                              </VStack><Spacer/><IconButton icon={<Icon as={MaterialCommunityIcons} name="delete" onPress={()=>{ uriStore.removeUri(item) }} />}                    _icon={{ color: "error.700", size: "lg" }}/></HStack></Pressable>          }      /></Box>    )})

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