I am using native base input fields like this:
<View style={scaledAvailableTripsStyles.searchFieldContainer}><Item fixedLabel style={scaledAvailableTripsStyles.searchField}><Input //onChangeText={text => setNewStartingPoint(text)} value={newStartingPoint} style={scaledAvailableTripsStyles.inputText} /></Item><Item fixedLabel style={scaledAvailableTripsStyles.searchField}><Input style={scaledAvailableTripsStyles.inputText} value={newEndingPoint}/></Item></View>
I want to add such a connecting line before the starting of each input line. Doesn't have to be the same kind. Does react native offer any such built in connecting line or temporary placeholder?
Even if I use a custom graphic, how could I style it?
searchFieldContainer: { alignItems: 'center', height: moderateScale(120), paddingLeft: 50, }, searchText: { fontSize: moderateScale(14), },searchField: { width: 300, },