on pressing the thumb of switch of react native its giving me default color in place of thumb color border should be of nearby to orange how to eliminate it? and substitute the color
import React, { FunctionComponent } from 'react';import { Switch, View } from 'react-native';import { useTheme } from 'react-native-paper';interface IMSwitchProps { toggleValue: boolean; onToggleChange: (value?: any) => void; disableSwitch?: boolean; testId?: string;}const IMSwitch: FunctionComponent<IMSwitchProps> = (props: IMSwitchProps) => { const theme = useTheme(); return (<View><Switch value={props.toggleValue} onValueChange={(value) => { props.onToggleChange(value); }} trackColor={{ false: props.disableSwitch ? theme.Palette.grey[100] : theme.Palette.grey[500], true: props.disableSwitch ? theme.Palette.grey[100] : theme.Palette.IMPrimary.border, }} thumbColor={ props.disableSwitch ? theme.Palette.background : props.toggleValue ? theme.Palette.IMPrimary.main : theme.Palette.background } disabled={props.disableSwitch} testID={props.testId} /></View> );};export default IMSwitch;
tried by giving style to switch