I'm tring to pass a callback to a set state but it gives me this typescript error => Expected 1 arguments, but got 2.ts(2554).i just wanted to pass a callback to setState to update the satate of the new object when function onVideoPlayed is called . can you help me ? thank you in advance
here is my code:
const [videos, setVideos] = useState<Video[]>(videosList); const [currentLanguage, setCurrentLanguage] = useState(i18n.language); const navigation = useNavigation(); const renderItem = ({item, index}: {item: Video; index: number}) => { return (<Pressable onPress={() => onVideoPlayed(item, index)}><Card video={item} currentLanguage={currentLanguage} />;</Pressable> ); }; function onVideoPlayed(video: Video, index: number) { if (video.viewedTimes && video.viewedTimes > 0) return; let newVideos = videos; newVideos[index].viewedTimes++; setVideos(newVideos, () => {}); ===> "here it gives me the error" } return (<View style={{flex: 1}}><FlatList data={videos} keyExtractor={item => item.title} renderItem={({item, index}) => renderItem(item, index)} numColumns={4} contentContainerStyle={appStyles.cardListStyle} /></View> );}