Right now I'm refactoring my React Native application to use React Query. But, I can't trigger a rerender when the auth state changes. For example, when I call log out no events or sessions are logged and the view isn't changed.
This was working for me when I was using Jotai for the state. Here is a before and after.
Working solution with Jotai:
export default function Navigation() { const [appLoaded, setAppLoaded] = useAtom(appLoadedAtom); const [userSession, setUserSession] = useAtom(userSessionAtom); const validSession = userSession && userSession.user; useEffect(() => { supabase.auth.onAuthStateChange((_event, session) => { setUserSession(session); }); const getUserSession = async () => { await supabase.auth.getSession().then(({ data: { session } }) => { setUserSession(session); setAppLoaded(true); }); }; getUserSession(); // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, []); if (appLoaded) { RNBootSplash.hide({ fade: true }); } return (<NavigationContainer linking={Linking}> {validSession && <AppStack />} {!validSession && <AuthStack />}</NavigationContainer> );}
In the above, the onAuthStateChanged would trigger and the view would change to the logged-out stack.
I've since refactored this to use React Query and that before does not happen automatically.
export function getSupabaseClient() { const supabaseUrl = URL; const supabaseAnonKey = KEY; return createClient<Database>(supabaseUrl, supabaseAnonKey, { auth: { storage: AsyncStorage as any, autoRefreshToken: true, persistSession: true, detectSessionInUrl: false, }, });
function useSupabase() { return useMemo(getSupabaseClient, []);}export default useSupabase;
export default function Navigation() { const supabase = useSupabase(); const { data, isLoading, refetch } = useGetUserSession(); useEffect(() => { supabase.auth.onAuthStateChange((_, session) => { console.log('Session', session); refetch(); }); // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, []); if (!isLoading) { RNBootSplash.hide({ fade: true }); } return (<NavigationContainer linking={Linking}> {data && <AppStack />} {!data && <AuthStack />}</NavigationContainer> );}
In the above useEffect, events are not triggering like they used to with the logged out events.
How do I properly trigger a refresh with React Query?