I Have a React Native app configured with typescript.Tried to do a simple fetch:
fetch('https://accounts.ea.com/connect/auth?client_id=FIFA-20-WEBCLIENT&response_type=token') .then((res) => { console.log('log'); console.log(res); return res.json(); }) .then((data) => { console.log(data); }) .catch((err) => { console.log('ERROR->'+ err); });
when I did it in a seperate .ts file and debugged it with chrome debugger that has this configuaration:
{"type": "node","request": "launch","name": "Debug TS","program": "${file}","preLaunchTask": "tsc: build - tsconfig.json","outFiles": ["${workspaceFolder}/build/**/*.js"],"console": "integratedTerminal"}
the fetch didn't pass and I got this error:
ERROR->FetchError: maximum redirect reached at: https://signin.ea.com/p/web2/login?execution=e39798106s1&initref=https%3A%2F%2Faccounts.ea.com%3A443%2Fconnect%2Fauth%3Fclient_id%3DFIFA-20-WEBCLIENT%26response_type%3Dtoken
Then I tried to do the same in debug, and extracted the fetch into a function that was called from ComponentDidMount inside the component, it actually worked and responded with 200 status.
The debugger I used to debug the React Native from vscode is configured as following:
{"name": "Debug Attached Android","cwd": "${workspaceFolder}","type": "reactnative","request": "attach" }
My typescript file attempt:test.ts-didn't work
import EAAuth from './ea-auth';import { AuthMethod } from './enums/auth-method';const eaAuth = new EAAuth('xxx@gmail.com', 'xxxxxx', 'xx', AuthMethod.SMS);eaAuth.firstLoginToWebApp();
tried it like this:
App.tsx-that works
class App extends React.Component { componentDidMount() { const eaAuth = new EAAuth('xxx@gmail.com', 'xxxxxx', 'xx', AuthMethod.SMS); eaAuth.firstLoginToWebApp(); } render() { return <Text>asdasd</Text>; }
Also tried to fetch http://google.co.il from a seperate .ts file and that worked as well to my surprise.What may cause this behavior, is it related to the request or to the typescript configuration? As I see it, it can't be the typescript - since google does work, and it can't be related to the debugger because of the same reason. So what am I missing out ?thanks in advance.